I am really enjoying the increased mobility afforded to me by my sweatervest, but wow are my arms cold.
"maladroit platitudes"
I am really enjoying the increased mobility afforded to me by my sweatervest, but wow are my arms cold.
Posted by
5:31 p.m.
i hope it's worth it:
this is another from toothpaste:
If it's winter, you can wear a shirt under the sweatervest. It is not made to be worn on its own! Make sure that you keep warm! You don't want to get sick.
Thank you both for your comics, except mila, yours seems to be insinuating something negative about sweatervest wearers.
Mom, perhaps I will just ignore you.
Dear mom. I hope I did not offend you with my comment. But let me assure you that wearing a sweater vest on its own never crossed my mind. Though it is cashmere...
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