Monday, November 20, 2006

new discovery

I accidentally switched internet explorer to 'smaller' size font. in the past I have enjoyed 'medium,' but I was too lazy just now to switch it back. I am kind of getting used to it now, and I think I might be enjoying the finer look of 'smaller.' I think when I get home I will also switch to 'smaller' fonts. I suggest you give it a try, it is much classier than 'medium,' which ends up looking rather crass by comparison. I hope this is not the beginning of some addiction cycle though, because maybe in a few weeks I will have to switch to 'smallest' to get my font fix, and then where will I go from there? there is nothing smaller than smallest, that would be impossible. what have I started?


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you mentioned this as I didn't know you could change font size - I bumped it up a notch, to larger. I love larger! It is so much easier for my old eyes to read. Drawback is, that I am a fast reader and there aren't enough words on the page. May get used to it! So thank you.

Anonymous said...

internet explorer is a really bad internet browser. i suggest getting another one like firefox or safari.

simon said...

whoa, ease up on the haxor speak there, nerdo.

Anonymous said...

just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

In Firefox, I can decrease the font size by twelve levels. Granted, the majority of these aren't actually legible, but just so know...

simon said...

this whole firefox business seems like a lot of hype to me. I fully intend to ignore it until it goes away. I am employing the same policy for myspace, which quite frankly I do not understand at all.

also mom, I am glad to see you are a fast reader. I'll bet that comes in handy when you are reading the latest on freezer bags in canadian living, or perhaps new developments in mom jeans in chatelaine.