Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I need candy

I am having a candy snack attack. in lieu of actually eating candies, I will present an annotated list of my favourites:

nibs - a classic. the dense texture and cherry flavour are a major improvement over twizzlers.
coke bottles - I used to make fun of mila for getting these, because they seemed really weird. but though I would not say their flavour bears any resemblance to that of coke, they are a great basic gummy.
fuzzy peaches - yet another classic. sweet and sour? check and check.
chocolate covered pretzels - once again playing on a flavour contrast, these guys go for the sweet salty. a much underused dichotomy, it plays well in this snack.
licorice allsorts - a little retro, and a little delicious
swedish berries - nothing hits the sweet spot quite like these multicultural gummies.

so I am at school right now. if you want to bring me a bag of these I would be much indebted. do not mix the fuzzy peaches and coke bottles with the rest though, I hate it when the sour sugar gets on the nibs.


Anonymous said...

why are you working on your blog at school? Shouldn't you be learning how to fix all my various maladies.

simon said...

was mom too busy to post that? you are as bad as she is!

Anonymous said...

i just want you to fix my shoulder arthritis! and you were useless when i had my hives.

also, i'm pretty sure you forgot to mention rockets in your list of snack food.

simon said...

yeah rockets are pretty sweet.

you and your maladies.

Anonymous said...

in the states (florida at least) rockets are not called rockets, but smarties. confusing!

simon said...

but then what are smarties called? we need some bilateral candy accord, it would seem. this is so confusing!

Anonymous said...

They don't have smarties there, the closest is M and M's. Same concept, different colors.

simon said...

bizarre! how did I never notice?